Your uniqueness
is our power
is our power

About me
Let me introduce myself, my name is Susanna and I am a celebrant.
It all began with a personal research turned into the desire to help others celebrating all passages of the life, from birth to death, respecting uniqueness and characteristics of celebrated people.
Today I found my way by bringing up feelings and giving words to the emotions of the people who come to me.
My main feature as a celebrant is the ability to understand the individuals freeing myself from prejudice, my ceremonies, from welcomes to farewells, express the will to talk about people as well as events.
Our customer testimonials
Ask now for a meeting! No harm in asking and will allow all your quetion to be anwsered!
Email info@amarenaeventi.itPhone 035 - 49 48 803
Mobile 339 69 66 925
Via Belvedere, 2624040 - Suisio (BG)
P.IVA: 04271730162
You want know about prices? Consulting starting from 40€ (check prices page)