CeremoniesAll moments can be celebrated
The rites of passage have been celebrated since ancient times, in every latitude or culture. In Italy, the most common are: birth (baptism or welcome), marriage and death; Christian believers also count Communion and Confirmation. In the course of life, however, there are other moments worthy of being celebrated. Let's go and discover them.

The arrival of a boy or girl, whether resulting from a birth or adoption, is an event that can shape our lives forever.

We have already mentioned this talking about Welcome which are basically the same thing. A new entry into the family is definitely a time to celebrate and share with loved ones. And if the new family member is old enough to understand what he is doing, he will feel fully accepted and included.

We use the word "marriage" in its most inclusive meaning, whether it is a civil ceremony, a symbolic ceremony or a civil union, it’s an event that deserves a profound and emotional celebration

The elopement is a particular type of wedding, where only the spouses and witnesses are present. It is an extremely intimate ceremony, which can have both civil and symbolic value.
Vows renewal

A love that lasts over time, through the decades, must certainly be celebrated. The best way to do this is with a ceremony that recalls the emotions of that special day from the past, enriching them with new happy memories and also sharing them with the children (and maybe even the grandchildren), the most important fruit of those years.

In other cases, love can fade over time, therefore, a marriage can end. However, a divorce should not change the value of what has been and respect for what will come again. An even more important part is what remains regardless of a love that ends: relationships with children, who can be involved in what becomes a promise of love (yes, forever) towards them.
Pet ceremony

Many people consider pets as family members so they feel the need to celebrate their welcome as well as their last goodbye, just as you would do with a loved one.

There are some birthdays that represent important steps in a person's life. The transition to adolescence or adulthood can be celebrated, rather than any other milestone that is considered important. A birthday ceremony is an opportunity to thank what you have had from the past and wish you the best for the future.

It is a key moment in the history of a couple who brings with them very strong emotions, often even stronger than those of marriage. With the engagement, a couple formalizes their choice to get married. The engagement can correspond to the wedding proposal and, having the certainty of receiving a positive response, it can become a surprise engagement party complete with a ceremony.

Loving yourself is not always something to be taken for granted, at times it can be the goal at the end of a tortuous path of self-acceptance, it should not be surprising it can lead to a real celebration. Other times it is a fact, we like ourselves as we are, why not tell the whole world?
Coming out

Our sexual orientation and our gender identity should be something that concerns only ourselves and the people we have relationships with. In practice, however, there are social and political discrimination that does not make it so.
Radical life change

A new home, a move, find the job of your dreams or reach an important goal ... In all the moments we have seen they are celebrated, making them public, moments that represent important steps in our lives. Similar moments can be the most diverse and personal.

When a person passes away, whether he is a relative, a dear friend or a simple acquaintance, it is inevitable to feel the human need to pay a last farewell to the person who has been lost. A secular farewell ceremony is capable of doing it according to the will of the deceased person and trying to leave a memory as authentic and serene as possible.
Farewell in life

It is also possible to commission farewell ceremonies in life, so you can be sure that your funeral will be exactly how we want it. This kind of ceremonies can be more carefree than those conceived in the moment of mourning.